Saturday, 28 April 2012

I Accidentally deleted all photos off my SD card how do I get them back? SD card recovery.

Ever Accidentally deleted everything on your SD card, or had someone delete them on you?

Don't fret, you still have the chance to recover your data. Don't take any more pictures on your card and get it into us and we can recover your lost data.

We offer a SD card Recovery Service at Macarthur Camera House with a high 99% success rate.

Prices start from $39.99 for a 4GB card. We put your lost files onto a DVD. 

And what is best is no recover, no fee.

Friday, 20 April 2012

The secret of photographing your kids

Children can be the best subjects when taking photos because they are uninhibited and not self conscious.
Everytime I take a photo of my son I am trying to get that shot for his 21st birthday. Most photos of children I have seen are shot from above. Just a few things here to get from good to great photos.
Great photo but nothing to strike behind him.

The secret to a great photo of children is getting down to their level and try to see the world through their eyes. Getting down to their level allows you to gain more trust as you are not being tall and intimadating, this makes them more trusting of you and you can photograph them in a more candid way than a posed shot.
Here is an example of the photo I am talking about.
Capturing them just having a great time is magic.

Try to use the general rules of photography use the 3rds rule, create great depth of field and experiement.  Here is a link to Canon Australia's Tutorial on Basic Composition.
This one I like as my Son is exploring his way around.

Remember to take lots and lots of photos! You'll need to crack a few eggs to make an omelette!