Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Cost of Cheapest Price

More and more we see companies advertising cheapest prices guaranteed or we'll beat that price... shows that it really isn't the case right?
What if we turned the tables and advertised Best Advice and Best Service?
What is the cost of cheapest price? Yes we get a great price on a camera, laptop, tv or anything we get cheap. Do you get what you need? When the lowest price is on the table something is lost to achieve this.

Things that are lost:

  • Service - you walk into a discount store you may be lucky to be served and when you are you are met with someone that lacks knowledge, passion and conviction.
  • The whole package - Ever bought something and then shown it off to a friend and they say "I got this with mine" you feel like you have missed out on something, I know I do not like it when someone else has something better than me, why didn't "the guy" tell me about it? Even McDonald's has reduced up selling, I haven't been asked in 5 years "would you like fries with that?". So I go home without a Sundae because I didn't think I needed it at the time, but if asked probably 1 out of 5 times bought one.
  • Loyalty - If you are programmed to seek the lowest price, why are you going to go back and shop with that company? Would you keep loyal? Why would you keep loyal?
  • Professionalism - There is an art to the whole sales process and I for one loved to be entertained. Do you feel like someone has dressed to impress you or do you look at your attendant and see them dressed "cool"? Who makes you feel more confident in your purchase, the person with a tie on or the person in sneakers? Take the time to find your sales professional that will deliver for you every time. Test them out, research your salesperson and see if they are here to help you or just here to have a job.
Go out there and find your bargains, just also look for exceptional service. Tell me about your nuggets of good and exceptional service in the comment section to help others find experience it.

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